The Impossible, Judit Colomer and MarĂa Velasco
Ariadna Peya and Clara Peya
Musical composition and performance
Clara Peya
Helena Gispert, Kathy Sey/Clara Gispert, Sandra Pujol, Maisa Sally-Anna Perk, Ariadna Peya and Clara Peya
Scenic space
Judit Colomer Mascaro
Lighting design
Jordi Berch
Sound design
Carlos Bernal
Dorothea Elfring
Direction and production assistant
Xavi Buxeda
Content assistants
Teo Pardo, Elena Prous and Nagore Iturrioz
Accessibility assistant
Elia Farrero
Executive production
GrĂ cia Camps MirĂł and Mireia GrĂ cia Bell-lloch
Mireia GrĂ cia Bell-lloch
Les Impuxibles, GREC Festival de Barcelona 2021 and Festival Temporada Alta 2020
With the support of Institut CatalĂ dâEmpreses Culturals, Institut dâEstudis BaleĂ rics, Instituto Nacional de las Artes EscĂ©nicas y la MĂșsica and Ajuntament de Barcelona. And the special collaboration of Festival SismĂČgraf.
Created in residence in El Graner, contemporary creation center; LâEstruch, factory for the creation of live arts and Teatre Sagarra.
Aknowledgments: El Graner, Denise Duncan, Julia BarcelĂł, Joana Gomila, Nau Ivanow, El Graner, Carmen Duran, Antonio Centeno, Vicky Fotabon, Laura Vila Kremer, Txus GarcĂa, Mari Luz Esteban, Mireia Calafell and Chantal Maillard, Pere Vilarrubla and Ana Torres.
Thanks to: Reinaldo Ribeiro, Cercle de dones de l'Espai Ariadna, Fundació La Plana, Renata Ramos, Maria Beltrån, Albert Barbé, Jou Serra, Lipi hernandez, Cube Peak and Teatre Lliure's team.
Co-production: Teatre Lliure, Les Impuxibles, Terra Alta and Cassandra Projectes ArtĂstics.
Amb el suport de l'Institut CatalĂ d'Empreses Culturals, Graner, Nau Ivanow i Fabra i Coats.