Arts escèniques
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Aüc is what is felt between the seams of silence and rage. It is the stifled scream or lament of our daily lives. It is an uncomfortable but necessary place. Aüc is about you, about me, about us. The path of this performance is written in the first person. Sexual violence is explained through all the first-person perspectives of those who experience it. It is made invisible by ignorance, complicity, or horror. It is diverse and far more widespread than we want to imagine. We invite you to inhabit this Aüc because there is nothing more revolutionary than taking ownership of it. Let us share to recognise, share to change, share to overcome fear. Five performers, many stories, countless experiences, and one Aüc.

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Julia Barcelo, Maria Salarich, Olga LLado, Ariadna Peya, Clara Peya
Set designer
Sarah Bernardy
Lighting design
Jordi Berch
Sound design
José Sánchez-Rico
Dressing design
Nuria Llunell
Kiku Piñol, Dorothea Elfring
Elena Gisbert
Executive production
Gracia Camps
Mireia Gràcia Bell-lloch
Abril Frias
Dramaturgy advice
Marta Mariñas, Gloria Casas, Abril Frias, Clara V. Fleck
Artistic advice
Arantza Lopez
Choreographic Direction
Ariadna Peya
Musical direction
Clara Peya
Original music
Clara Peya
Texts and Dramaturgy
Carla Rovira
Authorship and Staging
Les Impuxibles and Carla Rovira
A production of Les Impuxibles in co-production with the Grec 2017 Festival de Barcelona and the ICEC. With the collaboration of Fira Tàrrega, Escena Poblenou, Nau Ivanow, ContraCurrent, Piano Sevei and Danceecool.
Thanks to: Reinaldo Ribeiro, Cercle de dones de l'Espai Ariadna, Fundació La Plana, Renata Ramos, Maria Beltrán, Albert Barbé, Jou Serra, Lipi hernandez, Cube Peak and Teatre Lliure's team.
Co-production: Teatre Lliure, Les Impuxibles, Terra Alta and Cassandra Projectes Artístics.
Amb el suport de l'Institut Català d'Empreses Culturals, Graner, Nau Ivanow i Fabra i Coats.
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